Lakers Found Their Coach!

Finally, after a month after the season ended, the Los Angeles Lakers ave found their new coach. Frank Vogel, last coaching the Orlando Magic in 2018. He was out of the coaching job for a year before now getting a job as Lebron’s coach. Vogel has a history with Lebron because he was the coach with Indiana when Lebron was with Miami. Indiana was the only rival the Heat had in the Eastern Conference. Also, Jason Kidd, who was last coaching the Milwaukee Bucks was hired as an assistant coach to join Vogel.

Everybody and their mother thought that the Lakers would choose Ty Lue to be their coach because of the whole Lebron-Cleveland thing. But they disrespected him by giving him a 3-year contract. This contract had the same amount of years as Lebron had on his contract. This meant that the Lakers wanted Lue to only coach Lebron and not in the future. Vogel also got a 3-year deal, but this one he accepted.

I don’t know if this will help the mess of a team that we call the Los Angeles Lakers, but maybe Lebron and the Lakers can do great things next season.