What Has Happened To Miami?; Austin Rivers Is Unstoppable? 5.27.21

It’s a Thursday night of NBA basketball and we have 3 more playoff games, all Game 3’s as the series shifts to the road for the first time.

(3) Milwaukee Bucks vs (6) Miami Heat

Milwaukee Bucks (3-0)

Well, that was easy. The Bucks defense was great again and they cruised to a win. Simple as that. They now lead 3-0 in the series as they have looked very sharp so far. Too bad all of this is to lose to the Nets in the 2nd round. How unfortunate.

Miami Heat (0-3)

Yeah, this series is over. The Heat didn’t come out with energy, surprising because they were at home. The offense was terrible and their defense wasn’t even bad, but their offense was horrible. The Heat scored 36 points in the first half, 16 of those coming from Butler. They shot 8/16 inside the restricted area as they are in a box right now.

Butler was 7/17 and Bam was 7/14. Bjelica had 14 off the bench but that was it. Dragic started in place of Kendrick Nunn and then shot 3/14 from the field. Ariza was 0/4, it was bad, you get the point.

38% shooting, 28% from the 3-PT line, 14 turnovers, 26 fouls, yeah this wasn’t good. The Bucks Big 3 was good and their bench was far better than what the Heat were rolling out there. The Heat now trail 0-3 in the series as it seems the Bubble was the only reason that that team made it to the Finals. Because this isn’t that same spirited team from last year.

(2) Phoenix Suns vs (7) LA Lakers

Phoenix Suns (1-2)

Yeah, the Suns aren’t going to win this series. Chris Paul played better but his shoulder is still bothering him, clearly. Even with CP-3 healthy this series would have been hard, but now it’s impossible. The offense was sluggish all night. Passing lanes weren’t there as Booker was suffocated. The shooting wasn’t great and turnovers plagued Phoenix.

Unfortunately for Phoenix, with AD turning things up and a banged up CP-3, this series is all but over. It’s sad that it had to end this way but that’s just the way it is. The only Phoenix can stay in this series is if they win Game 4, which I just don’t see happening. With CP-3 getting older and being paid a lot, the Suns window is very, very small and this was a year that they could have done damage. But I simply don’t see them beating this Lakers team.

LA Lakers (2-1)

The Lakers look good again. They dominated this game on both ends and they were having fun. They shut down Booker and Schroder again controlled his matchup with CP-3. The Lakers defense was excellent, not giving the Suns any good looks and forcing turnovers. LA had 7 more offensive rebounds and 19 more rebounds overall as they dominated the glass. LA also made 12 more free throws.

AD had 34 points and 11 rebounds, 12/14 shooting at the line as he continues to be ultra-aggressive, just what LA needs him to be. Lebron did have 7 turnovers but still had 21-6-9. 20 for Schroder who continues to outduel his former teammate in OKC, Chris Paul. LA’s defense and rebounding won them this game as they take a 2-1 series lead. With Chris Paul hurt and LA playing the way that they have been playing, find it hard to see them losing this series.

(3) Denver Nuggets vs (6) Portland Trail Blazers

Denver Nuggets (2-1)

Austin Rivers is the reincarnation of god I suppose. Denver’s offense was again very good because Portland is only good at scoring. Denver reigned in 3’s in the first half but their double-digit lead didn’t net them much as Portland stayed in the game. The 3rd quarter offense was horrendous outside of Jokic who kept them afloat. In the 4th, it wasn’t Dame time. It was Rivers time (definitely going to have to come up with a better name). Rivers was just draining 3 after 3 and he helped Denver win this game, getting homecourt back and taking a 2-1 series lead.

The first half was controlled by Denver. Portland led by 9 early but then Jokic and company settled in. Denver hit 7 3’s in the first and scored 39 points to lead by 9. Their offense was filled with lots of movement and passing, running circles around a pre-school Blazers defense. Denver led for the entire 2nd quarter but they couldn’t fully separate themselves. They would build a 9-point lead and then it would go back down to 3. Denver led by 12 with 1:47 left to go in the 2nd but then Portland scored 7 straight and the lead at the half was just 5.

Just 5 even with 27 combined from Jokic and MPJ. Just a 5 point lead even with 12 3’s made on 60% shooting. Dame, CJ, and Powell carried Portland as their guard play was the only reason this game was close. But Denver’s offense was far worse in the 2nd half, especially in that 3rd quarter.

Denver shot just 25% from the field, making just 4 field goals. But Jokic made 3 of those and of the 20 points scored in the 3rd for Denver, he had 14 of them. If Jokic hadn’t been doing that, the Blazers would have taken the lead. But Denver managed to stay ahead, leading to the Austin Rivers explosion (I can’t even say that with a straight face).

Both offenses picked up in the 4th and without Jokic on the floor to start the 4th, Denver held up well. They led by 8 with 8:17 left but then Portland went on a 8-0 run to tie the game with 6:56 left. Denver needed to respond with Portland having momentum and the crowd getting into the game. Jusuf Nurkic fouled out with 5:17 left. You would think Nikola Jokic would take over. Incorrect. Enter Austin James Rivers.

Rivers hit 4 3’s over the next 5 minutes, including a dagger 3 with 1:24 left that put Denver up by 8. You have the MVP and MPJ on the floor. And Austin Rivers is cooking your books. God I hate being a Blazers fan. Rivers scored 16 of his 21 points in the 4th. Denver played the free throw game and still nearly lost. With 3.2 seconds, Denver led by 3. Portland had no timeouts and if Monte Morris hit one free throw, game over. He missed the first and then the 2nd. But with Nurkic fouled out of the game (thanks Jokic), Jokic just tapped the ball in, Denver wins.

36-11-5 for Jokic who continues to be a matchup nightmare for Portland. Austin Rivers had 21, 16 of those coming in the 4th. MPJ only had 15 as he didn’t get the ball that much compared to the first two games. Aaron Gordon had 13, but his defense was confusing. After saying he could guard Dame, he didn’t even start the game on him and when he did guard him he got blown by. Careful what you say.

Campazzo had 11-8-8 and the bench led by Monte Morris was solid, good enough to win. Denver made 20 3’s and shot 53% from 3. Without Jamal Murray. I am impressed and disgusted by our defense at the same time. Denver made 11 more free throws, and played great offensively.

Denver did allow 54 paint points as Portland got right to the rim a lot. They got outscored by 24 down low. Portland had 17 2nd chance points and they had 15 points off turnovers. If Denver minimalized their turnovers (14) and grab the rebound, this game wouldn’t be close. I wouldn’t give Portland that many offensive chances as that’s the one thing that they do well.

Dame is still a problem so if I’m Denver, just score. Nothing you’re doing is really working, so no point in trying. Just focus on scoring outside of Jokic and MPJ. They’ve gotten other guys to step up in these last two games and to really end this series with a Game 4 win, they’ll have to do it again.

Portland Trail Blazers (1-2)

{Rant Alert}

I’m not going in depth for this one. It’s simple. The defense was awful. Denver hit 20 3’s and 22 free throws. Austin Rivers gave up 16 in the 4th. Portland might have scored a lot down low, 2nd chance points, points off turnovers, whatever. This defense is so bad it’s inexcusable. I get we have no big guys, but Denver just gets whatever they wanted. This series is probably over, Terry Stotts has to be gone. I am so done with this guy, he hasn’t changed in years and it’s going to be another disappointing year.

Dame had 37 points, 15/31 shooting. He couldn’t make 3’s but he was great at getting to the rim. He’s been amazing this series as Denver can’t guard him. The help was ok. CJ again struggled, 22 points on 20 shots. Norman had 18 points and Melo had 17. But Nurkic, who was playing very well on the boards, fouled out. We had to put Carmelo on Jokic because Kanter sucks, and that ended well, to say the last.

The offense only had 20 assists as it seems Game 1 was a mirage. We had 29 assists in Game 1 and in Games 2 and 3, we’ve had 35 combined. I am just so done with this team, all their isolations, pick and rolls, bad defense. Seen this stuff for the last half-decade and it just gets tedious. This series is over, we can’t guard Jokic or anybody else. It would surprise me if we won this series. It’s time to try out a new coach. Please.

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